The Zap Zombies Tool Kit

Carel Kolchinski
4 min readDec 18, 2020

For readers with a good sense of humour

“Grandad, how do ya zap zombies?”

I looked up from my book and eyed my eight year old grandson with interest.

“I’m not too sure Pete. I think you’ll have to leave that one with me. Can I do some research and get back to you?”

“Okay,” he replied and wandered off around the garden.

I’ve never encountered a zombie before but I thought it might be wise to be prepared; you never know what might happen next. The zombie apocalypse perhaps?

I had noticed some strange looking people in our village recently; their eyes staring wildly with a stunned, glassy expression. But then a neighbour told me that the local bar had been selling some really potent, home brewed, beer — under the counter vintage — that had sold out within days.

Anyway, I went to bed that night thinking about……..zombies.

“Hmm” I thought, watching my wife preparing herself for slumber, “perhaps I should look seriously into a zombie defense system.”

Zombies are easy….

So next morning, I dropped in front of the computer and started my search for some expert information on the subject. I must say that it didn’t take me long to assemble some very interesting facts and figures. And I…



Carel Kolchinski

Past lives as a journalist, PR poseur and commercial slave. Now an aged teetotaller, cyclist, enthusiastic musician and painter. Certified writing addict.